Dive into cognitive biases shaping UX. Elevate your design game. Enroll in our free course!
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1. Understanding User Behavior and Decision Making
Exploring the key steps in decision-making, users' content scanning patterns, and the impact of limiting options on revenue generation.
2. Enhancing User Engagement Through Design
Highlighting the importance of ergonomic design, preventing banner blindness, and utilizing social proof while considering ethical implications to improve user engagement.
3. Leveraging Psychological Principles in Design
Utilizing familiarity bias, scarcity principles, social proof, and default bias to assist designers in creating positive user experiences and enhancing customer decision-making.
Examining how users' memory capacity, shopping behaviors, and psychological principles such as Miller's Law influence decision-making and the likelihood of purchasing items in different shopping scenarios.
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User Experience (UX) Designers
Human Factors Engineers
Marketing Professionals
Product Managers
Web Developers